Tag Archives: Hair

Hair’s to Wednesday!

Today is a good day 🙂 I woke up feeling quite energized. Maybe I’ve been cooped up in this room for too long. Either way, I decided today is the day I would do something about my stinky butt! LOL.

The hospital staff was nice enough to actually let me sleep all the way until 7 am today! (Note to self: 4:30 am wake up call for blood tomorrow!) At 7 I was awoken by a doctor coming in and turning on the brightest light in the place. Guess I then knew it was time to get up and start my day!

After a thorough poking and proding by my doctor I was left to my own devices. So I got to work on the Kelly improvement project. Since bathing is not a true option I set to work with 2 wash clothes, one with soap to lather myself up and one with just hot water to wipe myself down. It may have been a backwards way of doing things but I got myself clean, save my neck where I have my catheter and some spots on my back which were downright impossible to reach. Brushed my teeth, threw on a little deodorant and some Victoria’s Secret body spray and I was good as new.

I ordered and breakfast and was settled back in bed by 8:30. I was ready for a nap after all of that though! And then I received a delivery of Ye Ole Sweet Shoppe cookies to my room. Man, this day just keeps getting better! Thank you to my very sweet friends from work, Lisa, Lisa, Devin, Kristy and Beth!! I appreciate it so much! And so does my belly! Speaking of my appreciate belly, thanks to Laura who is bringing me Dairy Queen tonight and to Aunt Karen who is bringing me Pufferbelly for dinner. I sure am loved! And I might be really fat by the time I get out of here!

Just when I think my day can’t get any better, I find out now that I’m in the hip/knee replacement wing there is a hairdresser that comes in once a week to wash and style the patients hair. And since I am in this area, I got to partake. So after 6 long days, my hair is finally squeaky clean! I feel like a completely different woman! I must say I might have been happier to see the hairdresser than I have been to see anyone!

I’ve seen 2 doctors today who seem to be happy with how I’m doing. I was also seen by physical therapy today, who seemed to be pretty happy and not think that I needed to much work. I did get to wear a pretty sweet belt while they were here so that someone could hold on to me while walking around. This was to prevent falling and accidents. I’m thinking I could use one of those belts and a follower at all times in real life.

Only 3 more days left after today and I’ll be heading home!! I can really hardly wait! Though I’m pretty sure real life is going to exhaust me for awhile! But I truly am looking forward to getting back on my feet, getting some fresh air (even if it is freezing) and seeing my puppies!!

Fresh, clean hair!!
Fresh, clean hair!!
Cookie Bouquet! (yes there are some missing, I'm a fat kid! don't judge me!)
Cookie Bouquet! (yes there are some missing, I’m a fat kid! don’t judge me!)
The view from my room!
The view from my room!